Tutor System
St Alban’s College has introduced a tutor system whereby a teacher tutor has been allocated to each Form in each of the 8 Houses. The boys will attend a tutor period twice a every week.
During these lessons, an array of aspects are discussed, from academics, sport, cultural, personal development as well as social events.
The tutors assist the boys in their tutor groups with setting academic goals ensuring that they fulfil their sport and club commitments. In the Boarding environment, the tutors take on an additional role by being the parent away from home.
Support System
The tutors also assist when boys experience problems by making use of our resident Chaplain and College Psychologist.
Social Activities
The tutors arrange an array of social activities during the year to build up a tutor group spirit and create a sense of belonging within the group.
The Chapel
The new Chapel Consecration took place on 20th June 2019. Guests who sat at the first dedication of the original chapel (the ex- cow shed) shared this deeply emotional and historical day with us. The new chapel is now in full operation and we are blessed as a community in being able to embrace this new chapter of our journey with those who remember the beauty of the old.
Boarding Houses | Dayboy Houses |
Knoll House | De Beer House |
MacRobert House | Knapp-Fisher House |
Ochse House
Tsebe House (New) |
Murray House
Baloyi House |
Houses Structure
St Alban’s College has a strong House structure. Every single boy at the College will belong to a specific House. There are 4 Boarding Houses and 4 Dayboy Houses.
About the houses
Each of the houses has a House Director and Assistant House Director in charge of the daily running of the Houses. In addition, staff have been allocated to each House to act as tutors giving support and assistance.
Within each House, there is a leadership team consisting of a Head of House and Deputy Head of House who are assisted by a House Prefect Leadership team. The Boarding and Dayboy Houses each have their own Common Rooms which form the central meeting point every day.
The House system is the core of what St Alban’s College is all about, it gives the College its identity and significance. At St Alban’s College, we create a ‘home away from home’ environment not only for Boarders but for the Dayboys too.
Inter-house Competition
There is a highly competitive competition called the Todd House Competition where all the Houses compete at House level in an array of activities.